martes, 14 de octubre de 2014


It is amazing when we keep silence and just focus on what others are saying, all the things that you can notice, the good and the bad. We become sponges that absorb everything! The problem with that is that as we are able to utilize the good, the bad can saturate us to the point of exhaustion. Feeling overwhelmed when trying the transmutation of negative energies to positive ones. We all have encountered one or two people that really drain our good feelings to a Flat Line!

As we become aware of what we want, inadvertently we surround ourselves with those that mirror our feeling, thoughts, and sometimes, our goals. The undeniable Law of Attraction. The things we focus on, what we think the most, what we heard the most, is what we become. We shape our energies with the energy that we emanate and as a magnet, attracting much more of the same. Hence is so important, as it is hard to do, to practice self-awareness on what comes to our mind. How? Check how you are feeling, what you are feeling will tell you what you are thinking, therefore, the kind of energy you are creating within and transmitting to others, and again, attracting more of the same… You see?! It is a circle.

The best way to change our thoughts is to have an escape file in our mind, a Good File, a file full of good memories, moments, people, loving pets, peaceful nature, things that are precious to you… Like the first time you held that puppy that became your best friend…. Like that sunset you can’t forget... Like that kiss that still makes you blush…The day you held your baby in your arms for the first time… Notice that as you are thinking on these wonderful things, they fill your heart, without noticing, you are smiling! You have changed the way you are feeling.

That is the Key! Life and happiness are built on moments; and we know that life is full of good and difficult ones. We just have to try our best not to duel on those difficult ones, and to never lose the focus of what it really makes us happy, what matter the most. As we know, we will always encounter all kind of people, focus of those ones that inspire you good thoughts and good feelings. Move on from those ones that are not productive, those ones that make you achy, and make you want to run away…. Keep that Good File handy… It will be a great tool to start ensuring the great ending of everyday!

We hope you have enjoyed, and wish you may share with others. As we always say: Doing good without knowing who!


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